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Short version

The 15h of May is a holiday for Saint Isidro. He made water come from the ground where before there had been no water. So, a chapel was built for him there. Today, the people of Madrid go to his park to dance, wear costumes, and have fun with their families. Also, people eat rosquillas, or Spanish dougnuts, and drink lemonade.Happy San Isidro Day!!

Long version

In Madrid, the 15th of May is a holiday that celebrates the life of the patron saint of the community, Saint Isidro. According to legend, San Isidro made water flow from a well where before there had been no water. For this reason, a chapel was built on that spot in his honor. These days, the people of Madrid go to the park of Saint Isidro to have a party outdoors, complete with traditional dances and costumes. Traditional foods are another big part of Saint Isidro celebrations. Usually, people make rosquillas, which are a kind of Spanish doughnut, and lemonade. This is a holiday to enjoy and spend with your family in celebration of Saint Isidro . Happy Saint Isidro Day!


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